A Haunted Speakeasy

A Haunted Speakeasy: Part 1

Another Halloween party has passed, and although I don’t think we’ll ever be able to top last year (I mean come on, floating candles), we were really quite happy with how our Haunted Speakeasy turned out.  We tried to include lots of little details to make my house look part 1920’s speakeasy with a hint


All You Halloween Book Giveaway *Updated*

Earlier this week, we were contacted by All You Magazine to see if we would review their new Halloween Handbook.  We love the Halloween things so we obviously said yes.  Our expectations are quite high when it comes to anything Halloween related, and we’ve been disappointed by other Halloween mags out this year (looking at

A Haunted Speakeasy

Ghostly Mirror {DIY}

Every year for our party, we always try to spook up the bathroom a bit.  We figure it is the best opportunity to scare people as it is the only time they are alone.  Since our speakeasy is haunted, we thought it would be cool to work it out so that there was a ghost



I have a confession.  Despite our southern heritage, Corey and I both pretty much despise country music.  I can sing along to a Taylor Swift song with the best of them but in general, I find anything CMT related to be intolerable.  But this weekend, I put aside my prejudice and actually found myself enjoying


Headed to Nashville

Tomorrow, Corey and I are flying out to Nashville to meet our friends Lindsay and Ben for Ben’s birthday.  I am taking Friday off and am beside myself with excitement for three days of exploring a new city with friends.  Neither Corey nor I have ever been and I don’t think we have any big


Cute Halloween Goodies

In my opinion, one of the best things about pinterest this time of year is seeing all of the cutie cute and inventive ways that people decorate their food to make it look “Halloweeny.”  If you guys missed it, I made a Leatherface chicken pot pie the other week that was pretty cool looking and