
Little Calligraphed Pumpkin Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed.  Thanks! Happy happy Friday!  It is the last weekend before Halloween week and we are pretty excited.  Colleen is actually in Raleigh taking her test from hell today so everyone send her positive vibes.  I know she’ll do great.  I thought it might be fun to do a little giveaway.

Two Delighted Print Shop Giveaway: Winner!

Happy Friday everyone!  We hope your holiday has been wonderful!  I just wanted to drop in to announce the winner of the print shop giveaway. Thanks so much for entering everyone!  The winner is Elise T!  Yay Elise!  I will send the Charleston East Bay Street Print as soon as possible :).

Two Delighted Print Shop: Giveaway!

Merry almost Christmas friends!  This month completely flew by, I’m not really sure how it is December 23 today.  By some sort of miracle, I actually have all of the presents finished and wrapped under the tree.  This is a first.  Megan and I are usually running around frantically on Christmas Eve trying to finish

All You Halloween Book Giveaway *Updated*

Earlier this week, we were contacted by All You Magazine to see if we would review their new Halloween Handbook.  We love the Halloween things so we obviously said yes.  Our expectations are quite high when it comes to anything Halloween related, and we’ve been disappointed by other Halloween mags out this year (looking at

Etsy Artist Bags&Totes *Giveaway*

After the traveling we did this summer, one thing that Colleen and I definitely learned to appreciate is the importance of a good bag.  Truth be told, it can make a huge difference in the ease in which one can travel or even function on a daily basis.  Bags&Totes is a beautiful hand crafted bag

It’s a Christmas Giveaway! That means stuff for free!

We like you guys.  We want you to have a nice cozy Christmas full of warm drinks and Christmas stories read while cuddled on your couch.  Preferably by the fire.  All the while enjoying your tree with beauty ornaments.  And so we want to give you things that will help you do this.  Here are