For the Love of Friday

For the Love of Friday- Happenings

Aside from the mundane events that make up my every day life like doing dishes, completing paperwork, driving around all day at work, refusing to take out the trash and watching the Bachelor, here are a few recent happenings… Books have quickly become one of my favorite items to decorate with.  Because of this, I

For the Love of Friday – French Voyage

Happy Friday guys!  Thank goodness because man has it been a week.  So I’m not sure how it happened, but it is almost March.  Which means it is almost April, and then really basically June already.  I feel all kinds of unprepared for our trip to France, so I am writing this post in hopes

For the Love of Friday- Embracing Quiet

Of all of the months of the year, I have to say that February definitely seems to be one of the quietest.  It seems pretty comfortable with the knowledge that its offerings of Valentine’s Day and Groundhog’s Day are pretty minor compared to what some of the fancier months have to offer and that most

For the Love of Friday – Moving Day

I always forget how bad moving is until I have to do it again.  Wouldn’t it be nice if it was glamorous and neat, like the pictures show below?  In reality, it is underwear hanging out of drawers and miscellaneous cords everywhere that could be important but who really knows.  Seriously y’all, I don’t even

For the Love of Friday- Happenings

I seem to have had a little bit of a hard time getting back into the swing of things after the holidays.  I have a to-do list a mile long and have still not taken down my decorations.  I feel like no matter what I do I will never actually be able to catch up

For the Love of Friday- An Open Letter

Dear Atmosphere, Sun, Moon, Earth, Clouds, Global Warming, God, Buddha, President Obama and whatever and whoever else impacts the weather (probably Ryan Gosling too), Today I am sending you a little plea.  I know there are lots of important issues in the world to resolve and if it comes down to a choice between my