Before and After

Glossy Baskets Before and After

Happy Monday friends!  Our closing is in less than two weeks, and believe it or not, my mom and I actually spent some time packing boxes this weekend.  Yay for being on the ball for once.  In preparation for the move, I have been eyeing all of our existing furniture/decor and trying to decide what

Rehabbing My Headboard Before and After

I drive around pretty much all day long every day for my job.  The downside of this is car mileage and gas usage.  The upside of this is that I find a lot of cool junk.  One day I was driving down the street in a neighborhood I do therapy in and and I saw

Green Dresser Before and After

I have always felt that if you have a sturdy old piece of furniture with nice lines that you don’t love but can easily transform it into something fairly attractive, you may as well stick with it.  Such is the case with the dresser that has lived in my bedroom since I was 4 years

My Kitchen Before and After

Well world, I have finally completed my backsplash.  It took me over a month to do it because I took my time and only worked for a couple of hours at a stretch on weekends.  It was pretty much the opposite of fun so I generally had a hard time motivating myself to do it.

Gray Kitchen Door Before and After

A month or so ago I posted a bunch of inspiration pictures of gray interior doors and mentioned that I was thinking about painting a couple of doors in my house gray as well.  Guess what?  Last Friday I decided I just couldn’t sleep another night until I did it.  So I did. I chose

My (Subtly Different) China Hutch Before and After

I had been planning to paint the back of my china hutch for basically 2 years now but never got around to it until last weekend.  I had a hard time deciding on a color because I really wanted it to be neutral.  I was thinking about gray (again) but I decided it might be