
Chocolate-Chip Pumpkin Muffins

As far as I’m concerned, fall starts at the beginning of September.  Yes yes, I know, it doesn’t technically start until next week.  People keep trying to tell me that.  But they are fools.  Fools I say.  Because fall is already upon us, and I have welcomed its glorious presence by making my first pumpkin

Colleen's house

Decorating the Mantle

Y’all I am so bad at naming posts.  I think it is just getting lamer and lamer.  I was trying to think of a name for this one and I actually thought up “Mantling my Mantle” which makes no sense to anyone, including me.  If someone has some magic cleverness fairy dust they need to

Megan's house

Painting Progress

Some of you may remember me discussing choosing a paint color for the exterior of my house in this post.  Well, this weekend I started painting.  As I originally suspected, painting a house is not the most delightful activity I have ever participated in. I also anticipate that this sucker won’t be finished until at

For the Love of Friday

That is One Bad Chick

I have a friend named Julie, and she’s kind of my hero.  Last year she decided to train for an Ironman Half Triathlon in Raleigh.  That is 1.2 miles of swimming, 56 miles of biking, and then running a half marathon.  (I was a total bonehead and wrote that she completed a full triathlon when she


Fall Pumpkin Wreath {DIY}

The other day I was looking through Etsy at their Halloween and Fall items and came upon a wreath I found to be pretty stinking adorable.  I would have ordered it from the artist but as I have been feeling rather empty in my bank account and it seemed like it could be somewhat simple,


Fall Boots (on the cheap)

I feel like there are three buying phases in a girl’s life that we spend any additional cash on.  Obviously after bills.  When we buy things for beauty, when we buy things for home beauty, and then when we are super broke but buy things anyway.  I am in the second phase, and my self