Wedding Wednesday

Game of Thrones Wedding Inspiration

I am quite giddy because the new Game of Thrones season starts this Sunday and it is my most favorite show on TV right now.  In my opinion, the best character (other than Tyrion and Arya obviously) is Daenerys.  She is one bad mother and doesn’t care who knows it.  If I have it my

An Irish Rehearsal Dinner

One of my best friends is getting married this weekend and his mother asked me to help her plan the rehearsal dinner.  The fact that the wedding takes place on the weekend of St. Patrick’s Day is not an accident.  These people are very Irish and St. Patrick’s Day is pretty much the groom’s favorite

Anna Karenina Wedding Inspiration

For the last couple months, I have been reading the book Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.  It is a beautifully written book but for whatever reason, it seems to be taking me forever to finish.  Regardless of this, it has been on my mind a good bit off and on since I began it because,

Polka Dotted Wedding Inspiration

Meg and I have always loved a polka dot situation.  I appreciate how they are classic and crisp but still always add a touch of fun.  A surprisingly large quantity of my dresses and bathing suits have contained a polka dot, and it is my most favorite pattern other than the beloved stripe.  We were

Breaking the Wedding Rules

One of Colleen’s good friends at work recently got engaged and she has started doing some wedding planning.  Initially she thought that she would have a winter wedding and was very excited about her “winter” color scheme.  Then she realized that she would need to have her wedding in the spring and has been feeling

Our Wedding Video

I realize that our wedding was approximately 1 year and 3 months ago, and that I have completely saturated the blog with pictures from the wedding, but I have something that is too good not to show.  Forgive me.  You might remember that I asked our wedding videographer to take video of the wedding day