For the Love of Friday

For the Love of Friday- A Little Reminder

Have you guys ever had periods in your life when you questioned the way you were doing things because it didn’t feel like you were quite getting the results you wanted?  I have been feeling a bit like that lately.  It is amazing how easy it is for a normally self confident individual to start

For the Love of Friday- Yes, Virginia

Can you all believe it is 4 days before Christmas?  Colleen and I have both been feeling like this Christmas season has gone by much too fast and has also not been anywhere near as cheerful as we would have liked it to be.  Primarily because of the awful tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut which has

For the Love of Friday- Happenings

This has been a fairly exciting week for the Bowker Geohagan clan.  Colleen has been working on her own special project while Katie (Corey’s sister and therefore new Bowker) and I booked our flights to go to England and Ireland this summer.  Europe is going to have their hands full come June because Colleen and

For the Love of Friday- Christmastime Playlist

The time has come.  Colleen has run out of music to listen to at work and so we needed to make another playlist so she can fight the Grinchy feelings that working on a Friday can bring out in her.  Keeping her cheerful is really the best thing for all of us.  I am sure

For the Love of Friday- Movie Season

Colleen and I definitely go to see plenty of movies throughout the year (her more than me due to Corey’s movie madness), but it seems like this time of year is when I always look forward to seeing movies the most.  Since it has gotten cold outside, going out to a bar to socialize seems

For the Love of Friday- March on the Capital

Well my friends, word of my supreme talent for covering things with shiny paint and glitter has spread and President Obama has sent a very official request that I come visit him in his home and discuss important decisions to be made for the next four years.  He said he would like for his presidency