Herb Infused Cocktails

Happy happy Friday! Â This weekend is supposed to be quite nice here in Charlotte so I have plans to do some planting of some things. Â I intend to do a wide pot full of herbs again this year because I discovered that I made good use of the ones I planted last year. This year
A Love Brunch

As I mentioned last week when I was playing around with table ideas, I had a few of my girlfriends over on Saturday to have a Valentine’s Day brunch.  Valentine’s Day is without a doubt the girliest holiday so it kinda just makes sense to celebrate it with some of your favorites ladies, right?  Anyways we
Wedding Inspiration Created By Cocktail {The Frenchy}

Anyone who has been to my house knows that I have an obsession with Paris. Â The evidence is literally everywhere. Â When I returned from a trip to Europe several years ago, it ended up being the place that I visited that left the biggest impression on me. Â It is so beautiful and full of life
A Cape Cod Bridal Shower

As I’ve already told you at least 10 times, we threw my friend Lindsay a Cape Cod themed bridal shower this past Saturday.  It was every bit as lovely, fun, and intimate as I had hoped.  Megan and I took care of the decor, using streamers, blue tinted mason jars filled with twinkle lights, kraft paper and
Monkey Business Cocktail

Well I’m going to share something pretty special with you today. Â I have mentioned before that after the wedding, Corey and I honeymooned in Costa Rica. Â We stayed at Arenas Del Mar which was basically paradise. Â Highly recommended if you ever want to visit Costa Rica. Â During our stay, I fell in love with a
Wedding Inspiration Created By Cocktail {Peach Mojito}

Colleen is pretty picky when it comes to her drinks. Â In fact, it is nearly impossible to get her to drink adult beverages because she thinks they are all gross. Â One cocktail she will drink is a mojito. Â So this wedding inspiration is dedicated to Colleen. Â In hopes I can get her to have