
Wedding Inspiration Created By Cocktail {Peach Mojito}

Colleen is pretty picky when it comes to her drinks.   In fact, it is nearly impossible to get her to drink adult beverages because she thinks they are all gross.  One cocktail she will drink is a mojito.  So this wedding inspiration is dedicated to Colleen.  In hopes I can get her to have a few of these soon.  And me too.  Plus peach is one of her favorite colors.  Here ya go, Bean.

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  1. Colleen

    Thanks Meggie! I am in desperate need of one of these. Soon. Or a monkey business.

  2. marilyn

    They do look wonderful. How do you muddle?

  3. Taylor

    Ooo fancy drink! And very pretty. Colleen, you need one of these STAT. I absolutely love those shoes by the way. This would be one beautiful wedding. WOuld it be approrpriate to have a peach wedding dress? I’m sort of in love with that dress.