
For the Love of Friday- Well Read

While the majority of my yearly reading usually happens in the summer, fall and winter are definitely my favorite times of the year to read.  As it starts to get cooler outside and the darkness makes an earlier appearance (a little too early for my liking lately), I experience less guilt dedicating longer periods of time to reading instead of going out into the world and being active.  Since I am always looking for new book ideas, I thought I would share some of the ones that I have read recently and what is on my future reading list.  Then maybe you will share some of your picks with us.  Pretty please, with pumpkin cupcakes on top.

Well Read_edited-2

All of the books on my finished list I highly recommend with the exception of The Peach Keeper which wasn’t a winner in my book but still tolerable.  The Halloween Tree was my Halloween book this year and I am glad I read it but don’t feel the need to read it again.  It is a children’s book and would be good for a young adult (or adult) for October reading.  Little Bee and The Fault in Our Stars were probably my favorite but Tell The Wolves I’m Home is completely wonderful as well.  All of these are quite sad, however.  Just a warning.  Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore is a great book for bibliophiles who also appreciate technology.  I discussed the Sarah Addison Allen books in this post.

Okay, your turn.  What have y’all read recently that you do or don’t recommend?  And what is on your “to read” list?

Happy Friday, friends!!


  1. Bri

    The three best books I’ve read lately have been “Beyond Belief” a look into scientology from a girl who left, and “Bittersweet” and “Cold Tangerines” by Shauna Niequist, both are GREAT!

    • Megan

      I have never heard of Shauna Niequist. I will put them on the list! I find Scientology to be so strange/interesting. My mother knows a family who had to move away from California to escape from it. Nuts. Thanks Bri!

  2. Kel

    Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots ..
    Deborah Feldman

    I told your mom to read it, or listen to it. It is very good. About Hasidic Jewish community