
Mary Mary Quite Contrary

It never fails that every year at this time, I start to form fancy ideas in my head about having an herb garden.  It just seems like a fantastic thing to have access to and in my mind I would have a lovely little garden growing beside my barn/kitchen like Ina Garten.  In reality, I would most likely have lots of weeds and not so many herbs.  I came to a realization that perhaps the reason I wanted this garden is not so much for the produce as it is for the fabulous accessories I would obviously purchase for it.

A sign to welcome my garden guests so they don’t get confused about where they are seems completely necessary.

A copper rake for raking purposes.  I would definitely rake my herb garden even though I have a feeling that isn’t standard garden protocol.  No matter.  By the way, don’t even think about buying this because you can’t afford it.

A garden chair for resting my rump and enjoying some lavender (from my garden) lemonade after all that tough work.

Markers for marking up my herbs so I don’t use mint in my spaghetti instead of parsley or basil.  Don’t put it past me.

Surely my herbs will need to be carted.

Every Hunter boot shade of the rainbow to color coordinate with my fabulous garden outfits.

A palatial birdhouse to attract the most darling little garden birds.

Yes, I think all of these things just might work nicely.  What would you have for your dream garden?

  1. Colleen

    Really sounds like a good idea in my head but I think I would just kill all of the things. Love that chair though. Probably not weather proof enough for my porch?

  2. Kristen

    Ahhh love this. I’m so obsessed with getting my garden going this spring! On my list? An oversized pretty handmade hammock.

  3. Christina

    Yessss. I love this post! I just received a set of garden marker spoons in the mail yesterday and can’t wait to plant my herbs this weekend! Love all your ideas!