
Delighted and THANKFUL

We just wanted to say how thankful we are to all of you lovely people who have done us the honor of stopping by our tiny, little corner of the internet. With its seeming infinity, we know there are lots of other places you could be.  Thanks so very much and we hope that you keep stopping by to see us.

We are also feeling so very thankful for our wonderful family and friends who we love so deeply and all of our many blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving!  Eat lots of pie!

Much love,
Megan and Colleen
Picture credits: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11


  1. Stephanie G

    Can’t wait to see everyone!!!

  2. Kel

    Dear Daughters,

    Just wanted to let you know how much I miss spending holidays with you. I’m not going to say something corny like “look what beautiful, intelligent, talented, relevant, women you have grown up to be.” I am going to thank you for being such an important part of helping me grow up. You have taught me so many things and been pivotal role models in my life. I guess the biggest lesson would be compassion. I was lucky to stand close enough to you both to catch some of the abundant compassion overflowing from your hearts. For this I am thankful, today and everyday.

    Love Kel

  3. Megan

    Dear Kel,
    Well I sure didn’t expect to cry on Thanksgiving (thought I got all of that out of the way at Bean’s wedding) but that sure enough did it. We always miss you guys the most on holidays. Thanks for being like a second mom to us. We are thankful for you, Corey, Sam, and Steve. Love you!

  4. Colleen

    Kelley you are just so sweet. We miss you guys so much and love you like family (because well you are). Thank you for your beautiful words and for being a second mom to us growing up. We love you dearly.
