
Badin Lake

Our weekend at Badin Lake was everything lake living should be.  Girl talk, lounging, and cookie eating.  Time spent with our lovely friends with nothing to do and nowhere to go.  Meg and I took some time to take pictures just went the lake was starting to sparkle like gold.  If that’s not dreamy, I

Colleen's house

Easy Feather Art {DIY}

On the day that I was dead set on getting that gallery wall finished, I finally laid out all of my art to find some blank spaces.  Whoops.  I was not going to wait another week to pick out more art and purchase and then wait for it to arrive.  No sir.  I was ready

For the Love of Friday

For the Love of Friday- Lake Weekend

This weekend, Colleen and I are taking some time to get away to one of my most favorite places.  One of my best friends has a  charming house at Badin Lake.  When we were younger and had the luxury of things like summer break, I would go with her for a week at a time


Doughnut Muffins (Kind of)

Sometimes, on a Sunday when I am kind of beat up from a busy weekend, baking something nice, easy, and delicious seems like the only appropriate option for an afternoon activity.  Since this past Sunday, I also easily determined that driving the 5 minutes up to the grocery store didn’t even seem like something I

Colleen's house

Graphic Art {Free Printable}

Even though I felt like I had art coming out of my ears, when I finally went to lay down the pieces to figure out my gallery wall arrangement, I still had multiple blank spaces.  I came up with some last minute ideas for art, including a quick and dirty DIY that I will show

Colleen's house

French Gallery Wall

It’s a Christmas miracle!  I finished my gallery wall.  About two weeks ago I felt like I was going to have frames laying on my living room floor for years, but this weekend I bit the bullet and made it happen.  A gallery wall of this size is not for the faint of heart.  You