
Painted Woven Baskets

For whatever reason, I have had one heck of a time trying to decorate my room.  For about the first year I lived here, everything I used in it was either black, white, grey or some other shade of neutral.  I was completely incapable of making any decisions when it came to color or pattern.  And so the rest of my house got decorated while my room sat mostly sad and abandoned.  Last spring, in my attempt to actually do something to it, I purchased a grey cabinet type piece of furniture from a flea market that I decided I would use as a wardrobe and fill with baskets to keep my socks, mittens, scarves, and unmentionables.   I finally determined that I would like to include touches of pale pink and emerald green as well because all of the neutral was feeling a little somber to me.  So because I was feeling I needed a pop of color in my cabinet, I embarked on an adventure to paint two of the baskets I bought for it.

They started out being plain old basket color.  They have since changed a few times with spray paint. Ballet Slipper by Krylon was the last color I used for all over before I went crazy with craft paint.

I didn’t worry about making it super perfect because I was inspired by these which seemed handmade.

 Baskets from: 1) West Elm 2) West Elm 3) Furbish Home 4) Serena and Lily

I am pretty happy with it because while it is most certainly not perfect, it gives my “wardrobe” the touch of color I think it needed.

  1. stephanie g

    Look good. You guys always give lots of ideas.

  2. Nicola

    Another great DIY – I love that you showed it on the shelf and in use – it really shows me how much the basket pops 🙂

  3. Lindsay

    super cute, Meg! i never would of thought of that!

  4. Taylor

    Ooo love this! Always coming up with spectacular ideas!

  5. Jean Wilks

    What a great idea!!!!
    Maybe I will get the energy to paint an Easter basket for a child at the Church. I like your colors too.

  6. Colleen

    Love this. Am going to have to make one for my own self. Major beauty. Or as Taylor would say, beauty nation. Which I really need to start incorporating into my vocabulary.

  7. Drew {Coral Cafe}

    I can’t believe you painted that! It’s gorgeous! Love the different shades of greens with the pink! Gave it extra appeal! So clever and talented girlfrieeeend!

  8. Megan

    Thanks everyone. It was super easy!

  9. Lindsey Regan Thorne @ be pretty

    Love! Love! Love! What a creative idea and perfect for summer time… woven baskets always remind me of the spring/ summer time! 🙂 Love this idea girly! Cute for nursery’s too!