
Capsule Wardrobe

The other day I stumbled across the blog Un-Fancy which is about an adorable girl named Caroline and how she decided to revolutionize the way she dressed. I became a little bit obsessed. I’m not normally into fashion blogs – I actually find them terribly boring – but I’m pretty fascinated with the idea of a capsule wardrobe. Basically, Caroline will pick a certain number of vital pieces for each season (her number is 37 but I don’t think that is set in stone), and she limits herself to just wearing those pieces for the season. Obviously you would pick items that are super wearable and that can be mixed and matched into a bunch of different outfits. I like this idea because instead of having a bunch of random poorly fitting Target clothes, I would maybe instead focus on nicer pieces that would last for a long time.

If we are all being serious with each other, I think it’s safe to say that I probably wouldn’t implement the capsule wardrobe entirely. But, I’ve decided to incorporate this idea into all of my fall/winter purchases this year. In order for me to buy them, I want them to be neutral or able to mix and match with lots of pieces, made well, and fit well. Here are the pieces I have my eye on.


one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine

I decided to get rid of everything laying around my closet I haven’t worn in the past couple of years and I’m going to try to be more thoughtful about my purchases. The proof is below in a crappy iphone picture (and yes, I realize there are some cute shoes in there. They don’t fit and I need to stop trying to shove my feet into them because it doesn’t do any good for anyone). What about you guys? Would you consider trying out a capsule wardrobe?

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C signature


  1. Megan

    No!!!!! Not those flats! I love those! I want to buy some nice new classic pieces for fall too. Only problem is everything I want is 50 million dollars

  2. Kim

    I have been doing this for years! The key is to pick up a few “classic” pieces each season and invest a little more into them. That way you don’t spend a ton on a new wardrobe all at once. Classics never go our of style and I have clothes that I’ve been wearing for 25+ years. Yes they were expensive but they were purchased over a few years and they will still look good if you take good care of them. Also you can supplement with less expensive, more trendy pieces to keep your look fresh & fun if you want (i.e. the hi/low sweater or tunic). Good luck!

    • Colleen

      Thanks so much Kim. This is what I needed to hear. I’m going to do it!

  3. Jan

    Colleen – Both Nordstrom and Belk have personal shopper who will create a capsule wardrobe for you for FREE. I’ve even told them a budget and they’ll shop sales for you! Happy Fall to you and your sweet sister!

    • Colleen

      Good to know – I will definitely check that out. Thanks Jan!

  4. Jenn

    I always think I want to do this — conscious fashion choices, investing in good quality pieces that will stand the test of time. Then I realize I don’t want to buy those nice pieces because they are so expensive and I resort back to my clearance Belk or Target impulse buys. It’s such a nice concept to buy things that will be a true investment, so if you can make it happen please post because I need someone to inspire me to change my habits!!

    • Colleen

      I’ll let you know Jenn – fingers crossed…