
Two Delighted Print Shop: Giveaway!

Merry almost Christmas friends!  This month completely flew by, I’m not really sure how it is December 23 today.  By some sort of miracle, I actually have all of the presents finished and wrapped under the tree.  This is a first.  Megan and I are usually running around frantically on Christmas Eve trying to finish up our list.  In honor of the holidays, we thought it might be fun to do a little giveaway for you guys!  We are giving away one 8×10 print of your choice from the Two Delighted Print Shop.  To enter, just leave a comment below with which print you would like.  We will pick a winner on Friday, December 27th, so be sure to enter before then.



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  1. Karen

    I love the Provence Lavender – beautiful!

  2. Caitlin

    You know I love the Eiffel Tower 🙂

  3. Lacey

    I love the misty Eiffel Tower!

  4. Allison Kuhn

    Effiel Tower Bokeh!!!

  5. Katie

    Eiffel Tower! I love that one!

  6. Nicole Phaler

    The historic Charleston picture is EVERYTHING. Even if I don’t win, I am getting that for our entryway gallery wall!

  7. Emily

    Misty eiffel tower . These are beautiful!

  8. Stephanie B

    Love the Eiffel Tower picture!

  9. Michele S

    It was a tough decision. At first I wanted to go with Paris Fleurs. But the bokeh effect won out and I’d go with Eiffel Tower Bokeh.

  10. Elise T

    Charleston East Bay Street

  11. Katie

    I LOVE the Paris bistro. It reminds me of my favorite moments in Europe; wandering down a side street, finding a hidden gem, and talking and drinking wine for hours!

  12. Laura

    I love so many of them but the Paris skyline wins out for me!

  13. Taylor

    I love the Paris bistro and the Provence lavender. I love them all though really. Beautiful stuff

  14. Jean Wilks

    I love all your prints but the Misty Eiffel Tower really is sooooo beautiful!
    Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  15. Caroline S

    Love the misty Eiffel Tower. So pretty!