
Happy Sparkly 4th of July!

There are lots of things to love about the 4th of July.  It is obviously quite an important day for our country’s history, we get to eat hot dogs, hamburgers, and our weight in dessert without feeling guilty since it’s a holiday, and we get to spend time with our family and friends.  The list goes on and on.  But for our family, maybe the most important thing about 4th of July is getting to shoot off fireworks.  We are kinda nuts about fireworks.  4th of July has always been ALMOST as big of a holiday as Christmas and Halloween as a result.  So our wish for you this 4th of July is that you get to see some fantastic fireworks.

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Have a safe and happy 4th!

  1. marilyn

    Best holiday of the year!

  2. Jean Wilks

    Thanks for sharing on this historical day. I always love the red-white-blue displays! A great day for sharing and for family!

  3. Taylor

    Hope you had a great 4th! I actually meant to text you yesterday because as I was watching some fireworks I was instantly taken back to our PC days. I thought of you and the PC crew watching your dad set off firewords for all of us. Fun times 🙂

  4. Lindsey @ be pretty

    Hope you and sissy have a fantastic 4th of July! 🙂 Love the post and the animated pics! I ate my weight in desert for SURE! 🙂