Inspired By
Who run the world

So the word on the street is that last Saturday was International Women’s Day. Â We like that because we are really big fans of women. Â We may have a small bias here but we just think that women pretty much rule the world. Â We are capable of accomplishing so many large and earth shattering or
Anna Karenina Wedding Inspiration

For the last couple months, I have been reading the book Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Â It is a beautifully written book but for whatever reason, it seems to be taking me forever to finish. Â Regardless of this, it has been on my mind a good bit off and on since I began it because,
For the Love of Friday- Inspired By

I love love love to be inspired. Â I think as a result I am constantly looking for inspiration. Â Here are some of the things that have been inspiring me lately… Dalai Lama I have loved the Dalai Lama and been very curious about him and Tibet’s plight ever since seeing Seven Years In Tibet, which
Inspired by My Week With Marilyn

Last weekend, I finally saw My Week With Marilyn. Â I’ve been slightly enamored with Michelle Williams ever since I saw her in Blue Valentine and was really interested to see how she would portray the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Â Well, Michelle was riveting. She was so effortlessly magnetic that I haven’t been able to stop thinking