
Cait and Roo’s Brewery Baby Shower

This past summer when one of my best friends found out she was pregnant, she sent me a picture of a cake from pinterest and said, “When I have a baby shower, will you make me a colorful cake like this?”  Well, obviously I said yes.  Who am I to deny a pregnant lady? So a few Fridays ago, I set out to make a five layer purple ombre cake at the lady’s request.  You guys may feel a bit of deja vu now because Colleen and I made another purple ombre cake two years ago and shared the how to and recipe here.  Apparently I can’t get away from purple ombre.  This time I one upped myself with 5 layers.  This puppy was a doozy.  I though I would share some pics of it and some we took at the baby shower, which took place at a local brewery.  This may seem more like a bachelor party locale then a baby shower one but let me tell you, it was super fun and a great way to get people to want to come to a shower.  The shower decor (which was not done by us but some of Caitlin’s other friends) was super cute with beautiful flower arrangements in mason jars and a burlap runner with purple food placecards to match.  Really it was just perfect.

ombre cake layers | Two Delighted

This cake actually turned out better than the last time.  It was more moist and I think that is because I separated out the batter evenly into separate bowls for coloring earlier and so none of the batter got over mixed.  I saran wrapped each layer when it was still slightly more than room temperature to the touch and kept in the fridge over night.  Then I took them out and let them come back to room temp in the saran wrap so that the moisture stayed in.  I also used those cake leveler strips that you wet and wrap around the edges of the pan while baking.  Those things really worked well.

ombre cake iced | Two Delighted

ombre cake cut | Two Delighted


The adorable mommy and daddy to be…

Baby shower cait and roo belly | Two Delighted


Baby shower- cait and roo | Two Delighted

There that’s better.

Baby shower flowers | Two Delighted

I wish we had gotten more pictures of the pretty decorations.  They were so good.  The “f” is for baby girl Frances.  Isn’t that a sweet name?

Baby shower cait hp | Two Delighted

Let’s finish with what was clearly the best shower gift.  I only wish I had thought of it but I am glad someone had their act together.

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Taylor

    I’m pretty sure that was the best cake I’ve ever tasted. Gahdawg!!! That surely was a super fun baby shower. Who doesn’t like beers and baby clothes??? I absolutely love the pic of Cait kissing Roo’s belly haha. Pretty much the greatest couple ever in the nation.

  2. Carolina Charm

    That cake is seriously amazing.

  3. Caitlin

    That cake was everything I hoped for and more 🙂