Since you are all my super best friends, I will let you in on a secret. On Monday, it’s my birthday. My 30th birthday. There, I said it. This will be the first birthday I am having that I would prefer not to acknowledge as I will no longer get to say I am in my 20s. While I am sad about this fact, I also feel a sense of calm about it as my 29th year was a particularly eventful one and I am proud of myself for getting through it with some small amount of grace. Normally, I am a very private person. For this reason, along with the fact that my day to day life is generally pretty boring, I don’t usually share a lot of very personal information. But, due to the fact that it is almost my birthday, I will indulge myself today by sharing some things that I would not usually discuss here.
Undoubtedly the biggest change in my life this year was the ending of an important and special relationship. Although I won’t go into details, I will say that this in turn led to the loss of a best friend and huge differences in the way I live my life. To say that this was a stressful turn of events would be a massive understatement. There were many days when it would sit heavy on my chest in a way that would leave me short of breath. In the end, it has allowed me to cultivate a greater feeling of peace in my life that I didn’t realize was such a priority for me until this year.
Other acknowledgements and accomplishments include:
1) Colleenie getting married. Which changed my life since she is like an extension of myself and it meant big changes for her. It also meant that…
2) My family threw a wedding. Holy fun and stress. Planning and throwing a wedding is maybe the craziest thing I have been a part of in my whole life. I guess that is just if you do it Colleen and Megan style and insist on doing everything yourself.
3) I quit biting my nails. For real! I have long nails now. This is something I always said I would quit doing before I turned 30 and I did it.
4) Becoming an auntie. No, Colleen did not have a baby, but one of my best friends did and it was a very special event.
5) I have always been a pretty tough cookie and felt fairly confident that I could handle almost anything that the world wanted to throw at me. But this year in particular, I have continued to learn more about who I am and what is important to me. Because of this, I feel much stronger physically and mentally than I ever have before.
6) Realizing that it is perfectly okay to let myself be vulnerable. I have decided that by allowing yourself to be vulnerable, it also means that you are being brave. Which leads to…
7) Starting Two Delighted with Colleen. Blogging can sometimes be a little scary because it means putting yourself out into the world in a pretty big way. This is a new experience for me because as I mentioned earlier, I am a very private person. For example, after I publish this post, I will probably feel a little sick to my stomach because it is very personal to me and I have released it into the world. But honestly, starting Two Delighted has led me to feel more balanced and fulfilled than I ever have before. So I wanted to thank you all again for stopping by from time to time. It really means the world to us.
And for those of you mid to late 20s people that are feeling smug that you are not yet 30, I want to inform you that the time between then and now passes in the blink of an eye, so make sure to use it wisely.
Happy Friday!!
This is no problem your mother was
29 for quite a few years.
Meggie you are one of my biggest inspirations. Your 30th will only be better than your 29th. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
P.S. Dad is totally right. I swear mom is like still 29, right?
Happy Early Birthday, Meg! You are amazing!!! You have so much to be proud of! I’m positive this year will be incredible!
Although 29 was happy, sad, and eventful, I have a feeling that 30 is going to be your best.year.yet.
Happy {almost} Birthday!! I am so glad you two started this blog.
PS – I think it is so ridiculously sweet that your dad was the first to comment on this post.
Happy Birthday and I know you will have a wonderfule year! When I turned 50 I started going backwards with my Birthdays so this year I plan on being 40!! HA HA
I love this post. I love you. You are such an amazing friend Megs. I am a better person to know you. True story. And you are a fabulous Auntie. Harper is honored to have made your list of accomplishments.
And P.S. I am SUPER proud of you for posting this… i know you well enough to know that your face scrunched up pre-nausea after clicking “Post”. Just another reason I love you so.
30 will be fabulous. And I will give you hell about being an old lady for the 10 days you are older than me. hehe. xoxo
Good Morning, A wonderful note to begin a busy day–such inspiration!
Happy Birthday Week-end and Many, Many more!!!!
I love you as if I was your Aunt Jean
Thanks so much for all the lovely comments y’all. You made my day!
Sweetest little nugget on the blog ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!!! Wishing you the very BEST 30th birthday one could ask for… you deserve the world, Megs! I know #30 is going to be your #1 year, I know it! What accomplishments… and you kicked the nail biting to the curb! Good for you… I’m still working on that! You are an amazing girl and I adore you. Happy Happy Birthday, love bug! xoxo
I personally think our 30’s are going to be the best yet. I know you’ve gone through a lot this year (both good and bad/difficult), but it has made you an even stronger person and I’m so very proud of you. I love you Meg!
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