
Christmas Town, U.S.A.

As a native Charlottean, I am a little bit embarrassed to admit that I have never been to McAdenville before this year.  McAdenville is a town about 15 miles south of Charlotte that is well known for its Christmas lights and is actually referred to as Christmas Town U.S.A.  So one day while at work thinking I needed to up my Christmas festivity, I called Corey and told him that we would be going this year.  Corey’s sister (Katie) and Meg were also in attendance for our McAdenville adventure, and it was quite the delightful event.  Katie brought us all hot chocolate and we listened to the new Michael Buble Christmas album while sitting in the traffic off the exit ramp.  Corey is not big on traffic, but he did his best to remain cheerful.  Once we got into town, I was so anxious to attempt to take pretty pictures with my new camera that I jumped out of the car.  Corey got sick of stopping the car to wait for me so he parked and we walked.  You guys should know that walking is the way to go because people yell “MERRY CHRISTMAS” to you from their cars.  I quite enjoyed that.  Also, since we weren’t able to do any Christmas caroling this year, Meg turned on her Ipad Christmas playlist and we sang as we walked down the street.  I am sure the passers by appreciated our stirring rendition of Hanson Christmas.  Here are some of the pictures from Christmas Town….

Ok so I lied.  That was a picture of our cat forced into a Santa hat.  She was not thrilled.  But for real, here are some pictures of Christmas Town…

On our way back, Corey took us by two houses off of Archdale Drive in Charlotte that are basically mini McAdenville.  I wish you guys could see this in person because it is really pretty breathtaking.  While we were there, the man that owns one of the houses was outside and told us that he has been doing this Christmas display for 30 years.  How neat is that??  He is in the process of converting his displays to LEDs.

Merry almost Christmas!!!

Lots of love,
  1. Kel

    We went one year. Corey threw up in the car of course, but the lights were unbelievable.

  2. Stephanie G

    Beautiful!! Havn’t been there in years. Katie said they were new homes. I love double porches.

  3. marilyn

    Been in Charlotte 25 years. Never been. Now I don’t have to!

  4. Megan

    Hi Kel! Poor Corey. Him and Colleen and the biggest car thrower uppers I know. Hope ya’ll had an awesome Christmas. We miss you!