

So in order to make myself take more pictures in the actual world instead of just tablescapes and cake stands all the time, I decided that it was time to make “Happenings” more of a regular column.  This is mostly because if you look back through my camera, all you see are craft projects, Megan’s art, and cookies.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I should really probably be taking pictures of other important things, like my cat.  So here are some things that have been happening recently.

Megan showed you guys her Christmas decorations, but I didn’t think mine were really exciting enough to show.  What was exciting was this really pretty ribbon I found from World Market.  When combined with these free printable tags from Kelli Murray, I was for the first time very proud of my wrapped presents.

My cat is a bit of a diva.  On Christmas Day, she not only bossed around Megan’s poor Ellie and Juicy, but she also stole their brand new Christmas castle.  (Yes.  You heard that correctly.  Megan’s cats have a castle.)

Corey and I went to Sleepy Poet Antique Mall and I wanted to buy all of the things.

 All of them.

And particularly this floor mirror that I may be sneaking back for in the near future.  Other exciting events from the past week include many board games played with Corey’s super bestie, Jim, and his swedish model wife Elyse (who is in fact not Swedish.)  There was also an epic murder mystery dinner held, where everyone else had a fantastic accent but me.  I just never could do accents.

Happy NYE everyone!  Stay safe tonight!

  1. Megan

    I may venture to the antique mall in Concord today so I will be on the lookout for mirror type situations.

  2. Christina

    I never have your luck in Sleepy Poet! I think it’s because I am always in such a rush when I am there that I miss all the treasures!

    You NEED to go get that mirror.

  3. Laura at Brunch with Laura

    Such wonderful photos!! I am kind of obsessed with that mirror! It’s gorgeous!!!! Hope you had a great New Years Eve!!

    Happy New Year!!


    PS: I’ve changed my blog from Simply Lowcountry to Brunch With Laura!

  4. Steven

    Its about time them boys got themselves a castle

  5. Megan

    Steven, that’s what I was thinking too.

  6. Taylor

    Of course Meg’s cats have a castle haha!! That is fantastic. Beauty wrapping job Colleen! I’ve never been to the sleepy poet, but your fantastic photos make me want to buy lots of things from there too. I can’t wait to see more of your “happenings.” You good… you REEEEEAL good. 😉