

Happy happy Friday!!  Can y’all even believe it is August?  That’s just nuts.  Summer is coming to a close, shark week is practically tomorrow, and Grandin Road started advertising their Halloween stuff again, which means only 2 months till October.  I usually scoff at the early release of holiday merchandise but Halloween is the one exception for me.  Bring on the severed heads and such!  Here are a few things that have been going on in my life lately…

J and D monogram blog

box mailers blog

I finished up another calligraphy job with gold Emma script on box mailers.  The box mailers were pretty fun to work with.  I also got to design a monogram for the couple to incorporate into their invitation suite as well as create some art with their names.  I really enjoyed that.  I will show you the full suite at some point after I am sure all the guests have received their invitations.  In the meantime, the first photo is the wreath monogram I calligraphed which got letterpressed in navy into the nice thick yummy invitation paper.  I was really happy with how that turned out.  Man, letterpress is just really attractive.  The invitation suite was designed by the talented Elisabeth of Elisabeth Rose who was a delight.

happenings 8 1 flowers blog

Chris and I had our one year of dating anniversary and he gave me some lovely flowers.  Pretty hard to believe how fast a year passes these days.

happenings 8 1 paris pictures 2 blog

happenings 8 1 paris pictures blog

I framed two of the photos that Colleen took in Paris last year and replaced some old, crappy pictures that I had taken when I was there a million years ago.  The new ones have kinda been knocking my socks off.

happenings 8 1 cats blog

This morning when I woke up it was pouring outside and I snapped this picture of the bubbles mesmerized by the rain.  It’s the little things.

george's light fixtures blog

We went out to brunch at a local french restaurant called George’s Brasserie and got to sit near my favorite light fixture of all time.  What I wouldn’t give to bring it home.   The chicken and mushroom crepes were a winner too.

meg firmoo blog

Last but certainly not least, Firmoo, an online glasses store contacted us and offered to send us a free pair of sunglasses to review.  We quickly responded that yes, we would like the free things.  I chose these ones.  Anyways, they came in the mail a few weeks ago and arrived with a nice hard case inside of a soft case along with a cloth for wiping away the smudges.  These were very nice features, I thought, considering how reasonable the prices are.  They also fit very well and don’t fall off of my face like many of my other sunglasses have in the past.  I liked the detail of the cat eye and the very thin metal temple.  Very comfortable all in all.  I had Chris snap a picture of me wearing them in Charleston so y’all could see.  I am certainly no style blogger and felt (and looked)  incredibly dorky trying to pose so this shot without my body was one of the only reasonable ones.  Y’all don’t want to see the rest.

Have a nice weekend, friends!


  1. Katie

    The flowers are beautiful! The rain makes me wish I was at home in bed instead of at work…working, certainly not online reading your wonderful Blog! If you ever need a third person to try such beautiful free things don’t hesitate to let me know! I’ve been thinking about that light fixture at George’s, I’m sure you and Colleen can do a DIY and make this in mini form!

  2. Taylor

    I love “Happenings” posts! I got so excited when I saw my lil Fridee Two Delighted email 🙂 I’m with Katie, I think you and Colleen could figure out a little DIY for a mini light fixture. Congrats to you and your man piece 😉 Those flowers are super beautiful and I’m so happy you are happy. I just cannot get over the beauty of your calligraphy… man alive, you’re good! I also super love Colleen’s Paris pics and lastly, the adorable sunglasses you’re wearing. Pretty pic if you Megs.

  3. Carolyn

    Beautiful calligraphy! I used to have a set when I was younger, I wish I had taken a class though.
    Carolyn | BLOG

  4. Stephanie

    I too love the light and I want to know where George’s is. I love your work. You look great in the sunglasses!