
Mont St Michel, French Voyage Part II

For our first day trip from Paris, we rented a car and headed for Mont St Michel, a tidal island off the coast of Normandy.  Corey had his crowning driving achievement, somehow getting us through Paris morning traffic alive.  Once we arrived in Mont St Michel, I’ve never felt more like I was in a fairytale.  The town was unusually empty and we roamed the halls by ourselves, baffled that such a place exists.  A castle seemingly at the edge of the world, filled with gardens and surrounded by nothing but water and sand.  We snuck through one passageway only to find another and marveled at the unbelievable views from every window.  Although we were exhausted and both falling asleep on the way home, it was one of our favorite days.



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  1. Stephanie

    Wish we could have gone there. It’s looks beautiful.

  2. Christina

    Your trip looks like it is right out of a magazine!! So jealous! I am loving the trip recaps!!!

  3. Taylor

    Love reading about your travels. Beautiful pictures!!

  4. Lindsey @ be pretty

    You look adorable in that little pic, Colleen! Love reading about your trip and seeing the incredible images! What memories!

  5. Colleen

    Thanks so much everyone! My pictures really don’t do it justice. It was so beautiful.

  6. Jean Wilks

    So happy for you both to make such precious memories to be treasured for a lifetime. We enjoyed the pictures and comments so very much. Love to you both,